Adjustments to the Block Schedule
By Grace ’22 Picture this: you’re new to the Upper School, and classes have almost doubled in length. You don’t know if specific...
Managing Your Time At The Middle School
By Sophia Z. ’24 Let’s be honest: middle school can be rough, especially at a competitive school like Harvard-Westlake. You might...
By Lily ’23 Ciao! Benvenuto a Harvard-Westlake! I am happy to have the opportunity to take Italian at HW and I truly look forward to...
¿Quieres Aprender El Español?
By Chiara ’23 When I first started at Harvard-Westlake and was told about the world language requirement, I panicked. At HW, students...
Course Selections!
By Eloise ’23 Hello special reader, my name is Eloise, and I am a Junior Student Ambassador that will discuss course selections!...
Tips for Success at Harvard-Westlake
By Eden ’25 When I applied to Harvard-Westlake, I was intimidated by the prospect of having to schedule meetings with my teachers on...
Study Skills: My Tips and Tricks
By Lydia ’26 Hi! My name is Lydia, and I am a Student Ambassador here at Harvard-Westlake. Today, I will be talking about study...
Time Management at HW
By Eric ’25 Hello everyone! When I first entered Harvard-Westlake, one of the many questions I had was, “How much homework is...
The Kutler Center
By Katharine ‘22 One of my favorite spots on campus is the Kutler Center. The facility bridges Mudd Library to the history classes in...
Tutorials at Harvard-Westlake
By Alon ’21 At Harvard-Westlake, there is a tutorial system which transcends the typical confines of classes like electives or...