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Course Selections!

By Eloise ’23

Hello special reader, my name is Eloise, and I am a Junior Student Ambassador that will discuss course selections!

Oftentimes, selecting courses at Harvard-Westlake can be a daunting task. The numerous options available to every student is an aspect of Harvard-Westlake that is extraordinarily rare, but with all of the opportunities, comes difficult decision making. I remember when I was entering seventh grade, simply trying to find my place at Harvard-Westlake, and choosing classes seemed like a large commitment to make before experiencing the daily routine at the Middle School. So, I will try and take some of the stress out of the process through my explanation!

I would like to begin by explaining the logistics of the course selection process. Every Spring, students are presented with a list of the courses, with descriptions, they are eligible to take for the following year. The administration allows all students about a month to make their final selections, however, they then have another opportunity to change their schedules in the Fall.

In my own experience, deans are the most helpful resources throughout not only the course selection process, but the entirety of the Harvard-Westlake experience. If a student ever needs guidance pertaining to which courses they should take, deans often have relevant advice that is specific to the student based on their personal interests, hobbies, and character.

I often hear my peers wonder: “Which courses should I take?” The problem with that statement surrounds the word “should.” The biggest misconception concerning the course selection process is that there are courses that you should or need to be taking in order to be successful. Despite the mandatory courses that all students take at Harvard-Westlake, everyone has the unique ability to tailor their schedules to their own desires. The happiest, most successful students at Harvard-Westlake are those who follow their passions, which are individual to each student which is purely the reason why Harvard-Westlake offers so many classes.

Allow me to present a hypothetical, yet common, situation a typical Harvard-Westlake student may encounter. Let us say that the student made their course selection in March, but it is now September, and said student no longer wants to take Biology because they discovered a love for Physics over the Summer. By sending a nice email to their dean, the student can easily switch out of their Biology class and into a new, exciting Physics course. Problem solved!

Overall, every student should listen to their instincts and passions when selecting their future classes in order to maximize their own success and happiness.

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